The iPad Kiosks

This was a fun deviation from my typical routine! This was part of a rush order for a church in Charlotte that needed some custom kiosks for kids to check in from an iPad. They supplied some reference photos and specs, and I went to work.

This was the initial game plan. This was originally slated for stain and poly, but the client decided to have them painted by the end of the process. Let’s dive in.

This was before paint was considered. I milled up my stock and then organized each part based on its grain orientation for continuity between each kiosk. Marking and labeling all my parts also cut down a lot of guesswork once I had them in front of the sharp spinning tools.

Here are some process pics of the production. I counterbored some holes in the panels to drive screws and later plugged the holes with dowels. While there are some metal fasteners here, you’d never know by looking at the final product!


The painter did a great job on these! I’ve got my reservations about painting wood, but these were just yellow pine and came out pretty damn classy if ya ask me.


Once they were delivered, the client sent me this pic and some very kind words! This was a fun project and I really enjoyed being able to batch out a design for once.